
By - Rabu, November 15, 2017

So guys, few days ago, me and my roommate watched Easy A starring by Emma Stone. We late but we did. And really, this movie was so me. How could? Oke, lemme say:

Firstly, i am invisible. No, doesnt mean i am a ghost. Well, i am nerd, odd, weird and little geek, i am quite fat, and i have black skin. Just not like a stereotype of wocowo indonesaah yang their type like korean drama stars.

Secondly, it changed since i broke up with my last ex-boy. Well, i rejected his purpose to marry him, and it made him SO heartache. I dunno what rumors he shared to my family, my friends. I dunno what rumors he shared to people. But it already quite enough made me looks like as slutty fucking bitch.

Thirdly, i cried in my room all day long for few month.

Fourthly, i decided to went out and started travelled around. I swear it works.

Fifthly, when you met someone who change your life. I am not really sure he changed me, but so far, he made me become me, a real me. He realized me that i deserve best, so i just have to love my own self

And last, what i  have done with all the rumors? I remembered one of quotes i love in Zootopia movie: "That if the world’s only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there’s no point in being anything else". So, if the world see Mayasitha as a slutty fucking bitch, why i should prove that am not? Kenapa aku musti cape untuk mereka? I dont wanna runaway anymore, i have to face the rumors. Then, i cut my hair, i bought me clothes, i coloring my hair,  i bought me new lipstik, i made me happy as i am, and here i am.

Pernah suatu kejadian, waktu itu, ada seorang teman, a boy and he said, mungkin dia cukup kaget dengan perubahanku yang lebih show off. Isi conversationnya begini

Boy; May, kamu kok berubah sekarang?
M; Apanya?
Boy; Seksi banget kamu sekarang?
M; Kenapa? Kamu sange?
Boy; Nggalah, aku tuh ya levelnya yang mahalan bukan murahan.
M; Oh ya? Aku murahan tapi teteap aja ya kamu ga mampu!

Seantero wocowo yang ada di sana saat itu langsung noleh dan terhenyak ke arahku.

So, what the conclusion about? I just wanna say; love yourself. Kalau bukan kamu yang mencintai, melindungi, membela diri kamu sendiri, lalu siapa lagi?

It is likes, well, what do you do when there is no hero in your story, Girls? Simple. You kill all the monsters and crown your self!

with love
the girl who want to become a pineapple :)

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7 komentar

  1. hahahahaha, kok gini dek tulisannya .

  2. Setuju sih mbak, mencintai, melindungi dan membela diri sendiri karena kalau mengharap bantuan orang lain seringnya kecewa ya. Tapi apabila merasa tak sanggup lagi sendirian, jangan khawatir masih ada Tuhan. Kepada-Nya lah kita mengharap pertolongan paling nyaman :)

  3. ya Allah cowok-cowok mulutnya nyinyir banget... logikanya gimana sih pada? Berubah penampilan bukan berarti murahan. Keliatan sexy bukan murahan kalik.. geregetan... yg murahan itu ke sana mau, ke sini mau... apaan banget dah ulekan cobek.. ngomong ga disaring dulu..

  4. Aku palah bingung dan ingin hilang ingatan haha.

  5. waduh pake bhs inggris. kagak ngarti aku. tapi, kalo ada cowwok yg merasa kaget dgn perubahan terhadap lawan jenisny berarti selama ini dia sering mengamati sang cewek. iya kan? tapi ya mending kalo bicara si cowok jgn asal ceplos nanti si cewek bisa kesinggung, iya ya mbak?

    tapi aku suka cewek yg rada seksi, eh?

    1. noh mba maaay ada yang mulai tergoda sama ke seksian mba may =))
